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Growing Up YouTube Channel

 For creators who are looking to take their channels to the next level but aren't sure where to start, this is for you. We'll take you deeper into analytics, explain the science behind search and more.

How to reach your audience

Want to know why your recent video is blowing up? Understanding the way in which your viewers find your videos can help. Learn how YouTube makes recommendations and what factors influence your impressions.

Use data to make decisions

Taking a closer look at your channel's analytics can help you make it better. Use data to get to know your audience and their watching habits, spot opportunities to make money, and more.

Keep your content fresh

Even if you have a loyal audience, there's always the chance that you are missing viewers who would love your channel. Here are some tools and tips that can help you attract new viewers and more of them.

YouTube Shorts

YouTube Shorts make creating and watching videos on YouTube easier than ever. Shorts are made for mobile, allowing you to shoot, scroll and share from your phone.

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