Indonesia for Future
Indonesia is our beloved
country. It is beautiful and all people in the world know it. We are proud
become indonesian people. Besides beautiful, Indonesia is rich too. It has a
lot of lovely island, beautiful beach, sea, rivers, mountain, gold, oil,
natural gas, forest, animal, and a lot of more to explore.
Now days, Indonesian people do
not manage the potencies like managing the natural resources well. They know
how to consume, to use, and to spend, without know how to develope and manage
them in the right way. It’s caused by the low of the human resources quality.
In this condition, the capitals
get the benefit. They take the opportunity to get rich quicker and easily. They
get cheap all the resources and get the benefit more and more. They explore and
take the resources very greedy, like cutting the trees without planting,
poisoning the sea and river and getting the fishes. Exploding dynamite for
getting the corral. They broke the natural resources and ignoring keeping and
managing them.
I think the are unconcious. It
can be seen. They explore the resources and forget to reapaire it. They can break
In Islam, we are know that
human is created by Allah become the leader (khalifah) in this world. The
leader who manage and develope all the resources well. Especially in Indonesia
as a potencial country. Indonesia has many natural and human resources that
need to be managed and developed. So, the leader that has the high quality is very
When the resources are
diveloped and managed well, insya Allah the human resources quality will increase.
When the human quality is high, insya Allah all the potencial resources in this
country can be managed and developed well and also in the right way.
Read more about education here
Read more about education here